Tuesday, July 8, 2014

She Acts Like an Ol'Mother Hen

This is the best part of my day, watching
 Mama Silky and the peeps ♡ I love
our barn!

The first time I heard she's like an "old mother hen" was from my dad. He was referring to a woman with lots of little kids that lived near us.  Today I found out why he said like a mother hen.  I spent quite a while watching  Mama Silky tending her 4 little ones.  It really was entertaining to see what she was showing them.  She would scratch with her feet, pick up a bug or seed and drop it in front of the little ones.  It wasn't long at all and they were scratching and finding their own food.  I did notice all she had to do was cluck once and they went a running to hide under her wings.  Wonder how she taught them one cluck and you better be here? She also rules the barn and barnyard, one squawk and the other hens and roosters get away from her and the peeps.  No "time out" warnings or count to 3, like human moms do.  Which by the way does not work, at least from seeing it tried in stores with little ones.  Kinda makes the parents look a little out smarted.  Really, if the kid is going to mind they will, counting to 3 is giving the parent hope that it might work.  Mixed messages.  Which reminds me a story my son told on what happened when he was in a store.  He lives in NC just to set the story up.  There was a mom and her boy shopping and the little boy was begging, screaming and raising all kinds of fussing to get what he wanted.  The mom was begging him to stop, of course it was making him act out even more.  Then an old black woman said, whoop his ass, I mean whoop his ass!  I'm sure she had raised enough kids, grand kids, etc. in her lifetime and knew what would end this embarrassing confrontation.  Of course hearing our son imitating the old gal just made it hilarious.  He thought it was great advice to be offered.   I've watched the same scene unfold and would  liked to have said the same thing.  Unfortunately little ones lose their cuteness when they show this side of behaviour.  Then the old saying comes to mind, "a face only a mother could love".
Now do I believe in spankings?  No, although one time my little wandering boy got a few smacks for going in the road.  I was so upset it just happened.  He was fine with it but it took me forever to forgive myself and make sure he still loved me.  Moms are like that ♡.

Do you ever wonder what other folks do to keep busy and entertain their time?  I sure do.  In fact anytime you would like to fill me in on a days happening for you I would love to hear it and even blog it if that's ok.  I have followers from Russia, Ukraine, Norway, China, Japan, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Taiwan, Portugal, Canada, France and the Philippines.  If you are just down the road, in another state or country drop me a writing on your day.

Also I have been asked to let advertising be put on a side bar since the followers hit a certain number.  I declined even though they pay so much a hit on my blog.  It is something I do because I enjoy it, not to make money or be invaded by annoying adds.  One of the reasons I quit visiting Solomons, too much advertising.

Here's supper!  Dick fixed the pork chops with a rhubarb/blueberry sauce that was excellent.  He's becoming quite the cook of a "few" things and I am learning to hand over the kitchen for a "few"  things.  I made new potatoes with green onions and rainbow swiss chard.  Dessert?  Why it's Nanipops for sure.  Summer is slipping away and soon our "best little" ice cream parlor will shut down.  They have huge servings, a baby cone is my pick and the hub gets a small.  Great place and a wonderful family owns it.  We are lucky, we live between Nanipops in Shinglehouse and New Horizon Creamery in Coneville which has excellent homemade ice cream!

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