Monday, November 9, 2015


It's the weekend which mean a hearty breakfast.  We eat a little later on the weekends that way no lunch and an early supper.  The two meal days.  This morning we had fried corn meal mush....huh? what? you have never heard of it?  I'm sure a few have.  I was excited to find it all ready made in loaves like I make it.  The grocery store in Coudersport and Hess's Deli in Andover, NY sell it.  It is made in Lancaster Country and cost  between $2.25 and $3.49 depending on where you buy it.  Slice it about an 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick, depending how you like it.  Dust it with flour and fry in oil and a TBSP of butter.  Just enough oil to fry, not a great lot.  Once it is crisp drain on a paper towel and serve with maple syrup drizzled on top.  It goes with everything.  Today we had scrambled eggs and salt rising toast with it.  I like to have different colors on the plate but this morning everything was yellow, hit the spot and stays with ya a long time.
Fried mush drizzled with maple syrup,
 scrambled eggs with
homemade Chipotle Sauce and
Salt Rising toast.

Even after retirement weekends are still special.  After all many friends and family still work or have part time jobs.  That really isn't the reason, we are all creatures of habit and so hard to change is the reason.  Weekdays are for working around Cook'n by the Creek.  Dick can always find something to putter at in the barn, (yes, I realize sometimes it is a get-a-way from me time).  That's ok, to be very honest I like those get-a-ways.  That is when I tend to rearrange furniture, pictures on the wall or what ever else might put me in the scope of, "why don't you just leave things alone it looks fine just the way it is".  I like change, always have and always will.  I know someone else that does the same, I will just say I understand Kay :)  So I always try to get laundry caught up and give the house a "lick and a promise every Friday".  I need stress free weekends and thinking of double to do on Monday is not my way of enjoying the weekend.

 Once the work week has ended we do what ever happens to come our way.  An ideal time is with family or friends.  We love visiting winiers and traveling around the Finger Lakes or a trip to Williamsport.  It really doesn't matter if we just stay home and take our forest walks with Quincy.  He loves squirrels and chippers which gives us good entertainment watching him get so excited chasing them up trees.  I almost can hear him think, why can't I climb this tree.  Riding in the car if one happens to run in front of us he also gets excited watching out the front window, then the side and finally the back window as it goes out of sight. Today is Quincy's morning, Dick and him are going squirrel hunting.  If you have ever had a dog you know they are also creatures of habit, he knows when it is his morning or if we are leaving and he can't go.  I would like to say we have an exceptionally smart dog but hearing friends tell stories of their dogs I know he is just an average dog.
I wanted to name him Yoder, since we got him from a young Amish boy and many Amish are Yoders in our area.  Dick didn't think it was funny so Quincy it is.  If you are our age you will remember the TV show Quincy ME, starring Jack Klugman.  That is why he was named Quincy, one of Dick's favorite shows from long ago.

 Have you ever noticed how many dog names end with a Y (e sound)?  Like Skippy, Lily, Toozie, Ruby and Quincy are a few we have had.  My little girl Clara passed away two weeks ago at the age of 14.  She and her siblings were abandoned on a road in NC.  My daughter-in-law rescued them, found homes for all and  kept Clara.  We went down and for some reason I fell in love with the little black foxy looking girl.  All of us thought she must be part fox, she looked and acted so much like one.  They let me have her and we had that special bond until her passing.  Quincy will be an only dog but in my heart if that special one comes along I just might.....but I am not looking.  Ruby (shelter dog), Clara (abandoned) and Quincy a give-a-way all had that special bond the minute we met them.  It is hard losing a pet but I keep in perspective that my family is healthy and happy, that is what matters most.

Today our walk was on top of Moffit Hill, a walk that we have done hundreds of times.  Why in the world I never noticed the sign before has me wondering.  It has been there many years as you will see.  So my point is, how many other things have I walked by in life never to notice?  I guess I wouldn't be a good eye witness to anything.  Maybe because my walks are for peace, enjoyment and to just let my mind clear, good excuse Cheryl!  Seriously the woods make me feel free and refreshed.  The air just seems so clean and crisp in the wide open space of nature. There is nothing I like better than walking the hills around here.

How did I miss it?  It is bordering the
road we walk on.