Thursday, April 10, 2014


If the sun is out and temperatures are above 60 I will be hanging clothes on the line, washing and cleaning the inside/outside of the car, maybe waxing it, mowing lawn, weeding garden or flowers, planting, weed whacking, brush hogging, taking a walk, relaxing on the back porch reading or working on a project. Pick one because the days of doing more than one is long gone.   On a face book post Bridget reminded me of what I do on warm, sunny days.  She also reminded me of what I did on sunny days in my 20's and 30's.  As I was getting ready for Olean and thinking of how my "sunny day" priorities have change it also reminded me of what my youngest son told his speech therapist in school.  You never know what the little innocent ones will say to embarrass  the heck out of us.  Beau was in 3rd grade getting speech to help with putting the letter 'r' in his words.  Bart=Bout, four=fou, etc.  It was April and time for the end of the year evaluation meeting on his progress.  Mr. Thompson asked Beau, "is your mom home during the day"?   His answer, "yes, IF THE  SUN IS OUT don't call my mom.  She gets made when  she has to answer the phone while she is laying in the sun"!  He spoke the truth, honest answer and did not know it would be the joke for the meeting.  When Mr. Thompson did call to set it up he apologized if I had been outside.   It seemed like a weird thing to apologize for at the time. There's a plus for cell phones, hooked to the hip at all times, no running to answer the phone.  Thinking of what my long cord looked like all tangled and twice as long as it should have been.  It was tough trying to do something with a cord wrapped around me or the kids.  I would open the bedroom window to hear the phone ring back in the "olden days".

Today was sunny, warm and above 60.  I was lazy and did none of the above.  I didn't cook or clean although the laundry did get tackled and finished.  I guess it was too darn nice and relaxing with a beautiful view of fields and woods for therapy time.  Plus this kind doesn't cost a penny.  It made me think with all the gusts of wind that kids should be out flying kites, even though March is designated kite flying month it was way too cold.  April showers will bring May Flowers.  I like walking in the woods to see them, such delicate little flowers with the subdued pinks and lavenders.
How about a big bouquet of "Stink Pots", white or red will do.  In elementary school kids would bring wild flowers to the teachers and they always had a little vase to put them in on their desk.  May flowers, May Pole, May Court and the fashion show made for an exciting time in high school.  Every piece of clothing that was made in Home Ec class was in the fashion show.  I remember how embarrassed I was in 7th grade to be in it!  Traumatized for about a week.  Awwww the worries of the young.

One of those" I don't care suppers" which is ok with me.  Hot dogs, fried potatoes and pickled beets.   Then a fresh cup of JMC and coffee cake my niece sent up today.  It is her Aunt Jane's tried and true recipe.  It might be a "pass it on" in a future blog.  Here is how "pass it on" works.  I sent Pam a dozen eggs and she sent up the coffee cake.  If you "pass it on"  it will come back to you eventually, Pam was quick to "pass it on".  No matter what it is the thought and simple pleasure means the world to so many.  ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥      

Like Toby Keith's song says, "but once in a while I ending to the line>have a little unhealthy fried food".
We like fried potatoes, when they are crispy.  I slice raw potatoes quite thin.  Soak in a bowl of cold water for an hour, drain, pat dry, salt and pepper and fry in coconut oil or what ever oil you like.  Keep turning as they turn golden brown and crispy.  Then I melt a couple tsp of butter on top for the ahhhh factor.
The tall skinny guy's plate.  Some can only dream of packing
 it in and not gaining weight.  Nothing wrong with the hot
dogs, I always score them with a knife and I don't know why.