Saturday, March 1, 2014

I will not say.......easy or simple!

Saturday morning as I was making cinnamon rolls from the bread recipe on February 12th's blog it occurred to me (I never stop thinking) I have never mentioned my  failed recipes, yucky suppers, knitting/crocheting projects ripped or thrown out in my life time.  Like selective hearing I was doing selective experiences.  I do have a long list of failures. Sometimes the only way I learn is from a mistake or two or more.   I realized I'm telling so many how easy something is when if you are not familiar with what I am saying or doing there is nothing easy or simple about it.  Simple,  the word reminds me of a woman in her 80's at our knitting group.   She is a neat lady and I like her style!  I wanted to learn how to crochet doilies.  I consider her and her daughter professionals at it and they agreed to help me. (they were passing it on ).  As I was starting the suggested doily pattern and doing a little gasping and oh crap moments she said..........."why that's a simple pattern"!  Really I thought to myself because you have been doing it for hundreds of years (exaggeration).  I muddled through with the help of the mother and daughter team.  In the end I actually got "a little" comfortable with reading crochet patterns.  The key word in the last sentence.....little.    There it is,  I was doing the same thing by telling you it is "easy".  Mental memo, avoid words like easy and simple when blogging how to.

Back to my point on blog recipes, suggestions and how I do something.  Please do not give up if you really want to try something. I can't guarantee you won't have a failure or two but I can guarantee you will.  I started solo cooking at the age of 17 when my mom died.  I must say probably everything I learned was up to the age of 13.  After that I consider the 3 B's my main concern, Beatles, boys and bikinis (I actually wore them). Good times. If you grew up in the 60's can you remember the  first time you heard the Beatles?  I bet most of us sat in front of the black and white TV watching  the Ed Sullivan Show. Brenda Maxson and I watched it together.  There I went again made a left turn so back to my original reason for writing this blog.  It seemed like every day my dad would say, "can you make what your mom use to and then give me an example"  Heck NO!  Sure I had watched and helped but organizing and carrying it through not probable.

 Shear desperation made me get  mom's cookbook out and for a few years it was tons of failures and tears.  My biggest accomplishment was the day I finally had a meal come together with everything done at the same time..It took a long time to get to that point.  At 64 I have so much cooking under my belt (in more ways and pounds) than I sometimes care to have!  I wonder will I ever get tired of "Cook'n by the Creek".

So I beg you give whatever it is you want to do a try.  "I can't" should never be said unless you have tried and could not do it.   "I won't do it"  is a little different.  I won't pick up a snake, down hill ski, jump out of an airplane and many other things.  See the difference, I will not vs I can not?  Now there is some crazy

Cinnamon rolls have been delivered to the benefit at the Shinglehouse Fire Hall.  I forgot to take a picture (running late excuse) but I did save the two little ends from the roll.  The tall, skinny guy that lives with me will have them for a before supper snack!
Roll dough out in rectangle shape, spread with butter, a little white sugar,  brown sugar and cinnamon.

Roll  and pinch dough over to keep it from unrolling when baking.  Cut desired thickness, this will be the height of the roll when baked.  I cut about 1 1/2 inch slice.  Let raise and bake at 360 til light golden brown.  Sometimes I frost them while warm with powdered sugar, butter, milk and flavoring mixed together, never measure just through it together you can do it ;)
Little "end nubs" but still tasty.


  1. Oh Cheryl you need to come visit me!!

    1. let me know when you are heading my way, what ever you want will be waiting for pickup ;)

  2. Who is Brenda Maxson?
