Monday, June 9, 2014

When it Rains

One thing for sure when it rains we get out of Clara for the day.  We always say, "the next time it rains"  and then list what will be on our agenda.  Although it was not raining this morning it was too wet for lawn, garden or sprucing up the front porch.  WEGMANS!  Oh boy that is always my first pick.  Off to Hornell we went.  I am a happy "crutch" gal,  not only did I make it all around Wegmans, I did Aldis and Lowes.  Being able to put a little weight on the left foot has sure made a big difference in my duration of activities.

What else did we do?  Eat, kinda backwards but it sure hit the spot.  On our way home going through Almond , Dick pulled into Dick and Cheryl's.  It just happens to be an ice cream shop that serves Perry's or soft serve.  Now I have an all time new favorite.  Hard serve Coconut Rum!  Let me just say it is so darn good.  If Nanipops has it I am in big trouble, there will be NO will power having it so close.  If that wasn't enough we stopped in Wellsville at another favorite eatery, Pizza King!  Thin crisp crust, delicious sauce and light on the cheese, one slice please.  Dick always gets the turkey sub toasted.  Sounds like we ate our way across NY.  Needless to say no cooking here tonight, which is fine for me.  A cup of Hazelnut coffee and off to see my crochet/knit gals.  What an enjoyable day, a little R & R and we will be good to go for the rest of the week.
Dick & Cheryl's Ice Cream

We both had Perry's Coconut Rum!

Tomorrow my plans are painting the front porch or at least starting it.  All the spindles are so time consuming but it's outside and that is a great place for me.  Once the grass dries a little break to mow the lawn,  my favorite outdoor chore.

Time out every now and again to hand quilt #5 of the 9 quilts I am doing for each of my grand kids.  Gotta finish the 9th one by 11/19/2014.

Many times as I work with a needle, be it knitting, crocheting, quilting, embroidery or a sewing machine I than God for my mom.  She taught me so much from cooking to what ever she knew.  Where would I be if I didn't have these things to keep my mind, body and soul busy?  Maybe in a Condo overlooking the ocean collecting beach treasures and painting.  Remember always "Pass it On"  kindness works too.


  1. Hi Cheryl...I'm just popping over from Lynn's blog Queen of the Castle. Imagine my surprise when I saw you too live in PA. I live near State College. Can't say I know where Clara is though. We have a Wegman's too. Don't you just love that store!

    The ice cream sounds yummy. I sure could go for one about now:) Thank you so much for sharing, Cheryl. It's raining, actually pouring right now!

    1. Thanks Louise! I sure have enjoyed your blog, have it book marked and will be trying a few recipes. Clara is in the hillsnof Potter County between the small townsmof Coudersport and Shinglehouse, 45 minutes from Bradford and 35 from Olean. You live in a beautiful area too. Many Penn State fans here plus graduates ;) When heading south to MD or NC we take different routes to keep it interesting. State College is one of them. Thanks for mentioning you have a Wegmans, good break and walk about for their deli food ;) We always stop at the one in Williamsport which is 2 hours south of us. Happy Blogging!
