Thursday, June 12, 2014

Does it Matter

Does it matter the lawn needs mowed, the car needs cleaned, the dust is visible in the house, the loft needs a good cleaning, nothing planned for supper, it's raining, snowing, too cold or  too hot?  Heck no!  These problems are conversation pieces.  At the beginning and end of the day only a couple things matter to me, health and happiness.  Health is a gift, happiness is a choice.  Although through our lives we have times that happiness is interrupted with happenings out of our control we usually find the strength and determination to survive.  As an older person once told me in a trying time, this to will pass.  We have to survive, I always think of Jimmy Buffet's song,  it rings so true for me.  "I'd rather die while I'm living, than live while I'm dead.  I think of this song often.  Just one of my wandering thoughts this morning when tension started taking over to get the floors done, dust and clean the loft so I can get outside paint the porch and mow lawn.  Good grief Cheryl just slow down!  So I did, (after I cleaned) I took a nice long shower which was free standing (no sitting on a chair).  Now standing like the good old days (7 weeks ago) was one more notch in my belt to total recovery. Hoping to hear on the 20th leg healed, throw away the crutches, run, jump and yes you can drive the tractor (manual with a clutch). Odd the simple things that can help the healing process.  Shower done, bathroom cleaned, sandwich, chips, ice water, a little blogging and then outside to paint and mow.  There, I slowed down!  It's what I love.
I think Dick is enjoying my kitchen, he made lunch!
12 grain rolls, golden turkey, sliced tomato sandwiches (Wegmans
 has such a great variety) and a cold bottle of water.

Dick has been great but please remember he is a man.......they don't have the eye for the little things that need done, like dusting, vacuuming, spatters on the stove or crumbs on the counter.  I sound way too fussy when I actually write it!  I now know he can not multi-task at all.  I laugh thinking of what he will say to me when he asks for my help.  Helping him is standing there until he tells me to hold a board or whatever.  I tend to drift off and pluck weeds, sweep the porch, just anything that catches my eye.  Then he's yelling, I need your help and Cheryl you really need to stay focused!  Focused?  Really, how can I stay focused on standing, watching and doing nothing until he needs my help for a second.  There, that is what I mean and will say it, women learned to multi-task from keeping the home and raising kids.  We had to or nothing would get done.  Most men had/have the luxury of doing their little chores one at a time and usually without interruption.

After all this nonsense chatter look what I got, a beautiful bouquet of wild phlox.  They grow along the stream and give off a wonderful sweet smell.  No it wasn't a dozen long stem roses but straight from the heart ♡ which means much more to
 me ♡
The vase is a gift from Hickory Hill Pottery in Seagrove, NC where we visited in March.  Which reminds me, I need to finish Part II of Hickory Hill Pottery and the loving couple that own it.
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A few "Pass it On" gifts.  The blue vase from Hickory Hill, the turquoise vase from OVHS retired Art Instructor, Jesse Hyde ( such talent this man has in so many areas of art), the gram ma and grandchild from son and dil,  the treasure chest with pansies decoupaged on top, the pansies from our flower garden when we lived in town made by my daughter, the  Horse Run Road sign from a friend years ago.  This is what makes my house a home, memories and love ♡

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