Saturday, January 23, 2016

How Do You Like It?

Pizza that is!  All day I was thinking what to have for supper.  Usually by the end of breakfast I pretty much know what the evening meal will be.  Today not so, I was crocheting hearts and little heart doilies for Valentine gifts.  About 2pm I realized I was getting hungry and no plan for supper.  One thing I do not like to do is drive the 12 miles to Shinglehouse or Coudersport for ingredients.  Make due with what I have and that is exactly what I did.  Pizza was on my mind, let's see I have yeast and flour so crust, no problem.  Plenty of spaghetti sauce that I canned last Sept. and rifling through the frig I found, salami, onions, olives from the deli bar (3 varieties) a half a ball of fresh mozzarella, garlic and that should do it.  At the end putting the pizza together I decided, no red sauce instead melted butter with garlic would be the sauce.  Must be the humidity was just right for dough because it was pliable and easy to press out very thin.  We are not thick crust pizza people, the thinner and crispier the better for us and that is just how it was tonight.  Now it was good but nothing like the outdoor pizza oven.  We both decided when the temperature reaches 50 with no snow or rain for a few days the oven will get fired up.  Once it is fired we like to have at least 12 hours of no rain for it to cool down and not get wet.  We keep the "little baby" covered in bad weather, even in the summer.
It is always a happy moment when the pizza
slides off the pan for cutting.  Check out
the new pizza cutter, it is the favorite tool
of the kitchen!  Works like a charm.
That kitchen window has offered me the most beautiful views for the past 17 years and tonight was one of those "wow" moments.  Of course the camera is always close, I never get sick of sunsets, sunrises, clouds, animals, whatever that window offers it is always welcome.  There is something about looking over the fields and hills in the "dead of winter."  Speaking of winter, I want snow (yes, I have said it frequently in the last few weeks.)  I am looking at pictures on face book, having friends update me on their accumulations and even getting so desperate I have searched the web for pictures.  That is sad, not a flake from the storm.  Our son has had more snow in MD in the last few years than us.  Old El Nino better straighten his act  up before next winter. 

My view tonight.

Not a tv antenna, for the township truck to base radio. 
Tonight is a full moon, if the clouds move out it should be a bright winter's night.  It is called the "Full Wolf Moon".  It is quite interesting how the full moon of January got it's name.  I wonder if coyotes howling at night  means the same thing.  Dick tells me that the coyotes howl when there is a full moon because they are out hunting and then try to locate their pack.  Either way it is a horrible howl that makes us set right up in bed.  Then Quincy starts barking, now we are all wide awake.  A few shots into the night usually scares the coyotes off.

Here is a short video about the Full Wolf Moon.

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