Sunday, August 24, 2014

Delayed Reaction

3 days to cure and then the dome of fire brick
will be layed.
This morning was an early rise, coffee and oatmeal.  Coffee for sure but not too much oatmeal.  Dick was nervous, hadn't slept good last night and just wanted to get the cement mixer humming.  So off we go to run cement for the top slab of the pizza/bread oven.  In the end it was 1,600 pounds of cement by the hub and I.  The first thing I am so grateful for, the strength to do .  The second is what I was thinking as I was raking the cement mixture in the tractor bucket to keep the load level and then into the slab form.....I had a great woman to learn hard outside work can be rewarding and still have the desire to clean up, fix the hair, a little make-up, relax doing what ever we enjoy.  We finished running and screeding the cement by 11:50 am.  Hey I felt like I could tackle the world.  Thanks Beau, 4 weeks of weight training is paying off.  I jumped on the lawn mower and got-r-done.  Still feeling like this is amazing my ankle is strong and no complaints, I grab the weed whacker and away I go, darn this lawn as not looked this good since.......last year!  Dick is a great help but I'm a "little"  fussy about my lawn.....maybe everything!  I need to work on my attitude that nobody can do it as good as ME!  By 2:30 I thought maybe I'll grab my quilting, set out back and  work on it, relax and enjoy the view.  Still feeling fine I decided to get some carrots and beans from the garden and make a beef and veggie dish.  The first step felt like someone had sprayed instant freeze on me.  My gosh I walked like a crippled old lady. Umm, yes I am old.  Dick wasn't doing much better.  We started laughing and I asked him, "What day did we turn old"?  I'm not sure, it happened somewhere between 1967 (year we were married) and August 24, 2014.  We made it to the garden and back, fixed the stew which I am calling rustic,  I was too tired to cut the carrots, potatoes, beans and onions!  Hunks that's what they were, big ones.  We didn't eat much, too tired.
The rustic, hunky beef stew with leftover biscuits.

Our view, me quilting and Dick whittling while we watched
11 turkeys in the new food plot.
Remember the old western movies where the cowboy rides into town  tired, dusty and dirty?  That was how I felt.  Usually my pick is a shower but tonight I needed hot, hot water in a tub just like that cowboy.  The only difference I have the luxury of a shower after to really get clean and refreshed.

That's my day and now time to hit the sack, Partner.  Happy Trails To You!

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