Monday, May 12, 2014

What a weekend!

What a weekend!  The weather was perfect to get some much needed chores done around Cook'n by the Creek.  Our son-in-law rototilled the garden with his "big green tractor"  and Dick got the first planting in of Super Sweet and Stuttgart onion sets.  In a few weeks fresh "spring onions" will be on the menu.  Next he will be planting the garden peas, butter crunch lettuce, spinach, kale and collards.  Every day he has cut asparagus for either breakfast or supper.  This is the 3rd year for the new asparagus bed and it is plentiful.  Well worth the wait, we like asparagus and like any vegetable or fruit nothing better than garden to the table within a few hours.  One of my favorite sayings, "spring green"  the color and the food it provides.  Everything is green from the garden, like fall and all it's beautiful colors even the fruits and vegetables harvested take on the colors of fall.  From red and yellow apples, yellow pears, purple plums, orange squash, colorful tomatoes,  it's like the grand finale show before the white of winter sets in.
These will be spring onions for the table and some will be left to
mature for winter onions.

Kirk had the family at his home for a cookout (Amber did the cooking) and the chicken was delicious!  Kirk worked on the "duck house" that is quite elegant for ducks, front porch and cedar shake shingles.  The six ducks are ready for their new home.  Amber and Chris introduced them to the big pond, they took to it like "ducks to water".
Jim and Amber took us on an ATV ride through Kirk's valley which is also my favorite walks.  The last walk was the day I broke my leg 4 weeks ago yesterday, 4 more to go and maybe I can start walking on it.  The ride was welcoming, I was able to see how much the woods had greened up.  Low bushes have leaved out, good time for the gobbler hunters to set up and wait for Mr. Big Boy to come out in a clearing.  After checking the woods we took to the dirt road and went up by the Clara Airstrip.  Yes, small planes actually landed there.  Our friend Al Kaufman (we called him Cloud Buster) landed there in the 1970's when he flew up from Williamsport for a visit.  Then we rode up Wakley Hollow, one of our favorite road walks.  It's a dead end that rarely has a car on it and makes for a back to nature peaceful walk.

I hit a rock while mowing today!  Yep I am a lucky gal to have a husband that can diagnose and repair.  The belt came off which I learned today is not a good sign.  Dick warned me it might have to go to Riverside Simplicity Dealer in Wellsville, Ny.  Well it doesn't, he replaced two bolts and unbent something (I am not mechanical at all!) and of course I was humbled and apologizing for not watching where I was going.  Turns out I really was lucky to have hit the rock, it gave Dick the opportunity to find something that was worn and needs replaced, kinda like the ankle bones connected to the leg bone.  If gone undetected it would have been more serious.   A call tomorrow and Rod will be able to order the part for us.  How did we get along without Rod and Kim and their wonderful business?  They make life much simpler with the little farm equipment.  By the way, I'm not off the hook.......Dick and even my son-in-law have made the comment about how hard I am on lawnmowers.  I will agree I am a little wild and go too fast on them.  I love it!
Break time, leg up and a Sangria/Spanada with fresh blackberries and
strawberries made by Amber ♥♥♥ 

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather, flowers and birds, we sure are. We found out Orioles and Scarlet Tanagers love fresh mango, fresh strawberries and blackberry jelly along with oranges and grape jelly.   Remember any good tips to offer please "Pass it On".


  1. You feed your orioles fresh mango! ...and I feel guilty spending 6 bucks on a bag of oranges every other week! Honestly, I really love you taking us on the ride through the valley with you and enjoying the peace and beauty of your valley!

    1. Lol, Dick wanted to give them variety ;) We are hoping to buy an ATV so you will get a real ride through the valley ♥

  2. I'm noticing, and not for the first time, how often Dick "comes to the rescue"...sounds like you got a good man...

    1. yep I do....but he just came in and I must say not happy. He got the lawn mower back together and put something on wrong....not a good moment around here.
