Sunday, February 9, 2014

What inspires me

I love living in the country.  Windows are my best friends as they allow me to take in the beautiful view I have from each one in my home.  There is beautiful Clara Creek which is just a small stream that never goes dry even in the hot days of August.  Fall allows the bright colored leaves to gently flow down to the Oswayo Creek.  Winter has magical ice formations and what I call ice clouds floating under the surface.  Then comes spring with the winter melts which make the water look cloudy and spring trout season for an occasional trout to be caught. Finally the warm days of summer when the little kids can wade looking for crabs under rocks and minnows dashing here and there.  It is what inspires me when I look out my kitchen window, Clara Creek and 25 beautiful acres of pastures and tree filled hills.


  1. Another morning of below zero temps which means another day of being inspired by my view. Today will be getting the three youngest grandsons Valentine candy bagged and in the mail. Afternoon will be hand quilting a quilt I made for another grandson that will be 14 on March 22. Once the sun starts to drop behind the hill the knitting will begin, I can knit with artificial light, not so with quilting, good old daylight works best. No need to get frustrated on what I love to do. Somewhere in my day supper will be on my mind and in the making. Tonight will be German Shnitzle which is no more than pounded out pork, seasoned with salt and pepper rolled in flour and fried in butter. Potatoe cakes, garden peas and applesauce. Simple but so satisfying on these cold winter days.
    To end my day will be with friends (my gal knitters) at the Oswayo Valley Library. Started by Karen Gustin and myself it is free on Monday and Wednesday nights from 6 pm~8 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us. Remember, ALWAYS PASS YOUR TALENTS ON FOR OTHERS TO LEARN AND ENJOY ♥

  2. Love that you are sharing your thoughts, recipes, and the things that matter most in life with all of us! Thank you my friend....

  3. Your love of creating is what inspires others! Thank you for being you! Miss you!

    1. Milliej55, I am having a brain freeze and apologize that I don't recognize your name. help? :)

    2. I do thank you Millyj55 for your very kind words. :).
